With all my talk about bitcoin and how good it is going to be for us all, I have to talk a little about the shady side of it and other crypto currency's. With bitcoin and most other coins their main punch line is by always saying how safe and private it is and that no one will ever know what you are doing. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? History is a great way of learning and helping us understand what might happen in the future.

Back in 2013 saw one of the biggest storms to hit bitcoin when the closure of online marketplace called silk road occurred. Silk road was a go to place for anything illegal that people wanted ranging from drugs to paid hits on people and anything in between. The way it would work is if you wanted to buy drugs you would pace your order on silk road and pay for them using bitcoin with no one knowing who you are, the drugs would then be sent anywhere you want them to be sent.
This gave bitcoin a very shady and illegal identity which I believed set it back for sometime. When silk road was shut down there was a lot of talk that maybe bitcoin might be banned but thankfully this never happened. (YET)
In 2017 we again had more trouble associated with bitcoin when a group of hackers hacked many government and private buildings which was know as the WannaCry attack. These hackers held any information they had taken for ransom that could only be paid for using you guessed it bitcoin. This again brought both positive and negative attention to bitcoin.
As you can see there is negative things done with bitcoin but for me this will be done no matter if they are using bitcoin or cash its going to still happen.
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